Communication concerning the Plenary Session of the Curia held on the twenty-third of January 2012


Dr. Péter DARÁK, President of the Curia of Hungary opened the Plenary Session and informed the attendees that the meeting aims at selecting delegates for the delegates conference which is responsible for electing the members of the National Judicial Council (hereinafter referred to as NJC).

The President advised the participants that, pursuant to the provisions of the Act n CLXI of 2011 on the Organisation and Administration of Courts (hereinafter referred to as AOAC), the delegates are elected by a simple majority vote of the justices present at the Plenary Session, and, according to Article 94, paragraph (1) of the AOAC, the five delegates representing the Curia are to be selected by secret ballot.

The President briefly adverted to the NJC’s role and tasks as regulated in Article 103 of the AOAC, and particularly emphasised the NJC’s competencies in personnel matters.

In conformity with the relevant pieces of legislation, the Plenary Session firstly selected the members of the Ballot Counting Committee and subsequently proceeded to elect the delegates who had been previously recommended as candidates.

The result of the voting and the list of the five elected Curia delegates were announced by dr. Zoltán KÁRPÁTI, head of panel at the Curia and president of the Ballot Counting Committee.

Budapest, the twenty-sixth of January 2012

Press Office of the Curia of Hungary