"One who, as a member of the supreme judicial body, is entitled to decide on matters of life, property and honour needs some essential qualities which I took the liberty of pointing out on a national session back in time, but deeply convinced as I am of their relevance today, I find it necessary to repeat them. First of all, one has to restrain oneself and control the passions and impulses that no one lacks. When crossing the threshold of this room, one must set aside considerations of nation, race, religion and politics. One must shake off family ties, the bonds of friendship and comradeship and one should never be affected by beguiling smiles or tears, bending knees or threats. Besides, one should never be overwhelmed by a feeling of apathy towards one’s profession but shall reach a level of objectivity where the person of the judge and the parties dissolves like a veil of mist and only the case and law remain in one’s mind. That is when one has reached the standard."
Extract from the speech of Justice György Mailáth, president of the Royal Curia, held on 2 January 1882