The operative part of uniformity decision no. 1/2020 KPJE

1. As of 1 April 2020, the first instance determination of lawsuits commenced by statements of claim filed before 1 January 2018, arising from a public service relationship constituting a labour dispute under section 349(1) c)-d) of Act No. III of 1952 on Civil Procedure, shall fall into the competence of high courts (törvényszék) operating at the seats of the former administrative and labour courts (terminated on 31 March 2020), sitting as labour courts pursuant to section 20(2) of Act No. CXXX of 2016 on Civil Procedure.

2. As of 1 April 2020, the second instance determination of a lawsuit commenced by a statement of claim filed before 1 January 2018, arising from a public service relationship constituting a labour dispute under section 349(1) c)-d) of Act No. III of 1952 on Civil Procedure, shall fall into the competence of the court of appeal (ítélőtábla) operating in the jurisdiction of the administrative and labour court or high court having determined the case at first instance.