Short information papers in English language version related to the Best Practice Guide for the management of supreme courts in the European Union


Supreme Courts

Two short information papers in English language version related to the Best Practice Guide for the management of supreme courts in the European Union were elaborated within the framework of the project entitled “Supreme courts as guarantees for the effectiveness of judicial systems in the European Union”. The project, co-funded by the European Union, involved the Supreme Court of Latvia, the Supreme Court of Lithuania, the Supreme Court of Spain, the Curia of Hungary, the University of Antwerp and the University of Ljubljana.

The first information paper contains guidelines for lawmakers regarding the management of supreme courts, the English-language document can be accessed here.

The second information paper summarises the guidelines for managing supreme courts, the English-language summary can be read here.

Budapest, the 19th of September 2017

Press Secretariat of the Curia of Hungary