Participation of the Curia’s delegation at the Riga final conference of an EU-project led by the Supreme Court of Latvia with the collaboration of the Curia – live stream of the final conference’s events


Supreme Courts

The Supreme Court of Latvia, the Supreme Court of Lithuania, the Supreme Court of Spain, the Curia of Hungary, the University of Antwerp and the University of Ljubljana – jointly participating in a project entitled “Supreme courts as guarantees for the effectiveness of judicial systems in the European Union”, co-funded by the European Union – hold the project’s final conference in Riga on 21 April 2017 with the participation of the Curia’s three-member delegation.

At the event, the Curia is represented by Mr. Lipót Höltzl, Project Manager and Head of the International Relations and European Legal Office of the Curia, Ms. Margit Rácz, Senior Officer of the International Relations and European Legal Office of the Curia and Ms. Katalin Simonné Gombos, Judge at the Civil Department of the Curia. The final conference focuses on the presentation of the project’s outputs, namely the “Best Practice Guide” and the “Guidelines”.

The final conference, conducted in English, can be followed by live streaming.

The plenary session (starting at 9:30 a.m. local time on 21 April 2017) can be followed at, while the afternoon sessions (both starting at 2:00 p.m. local time) can be followed at and at

Budapest, the 20th of April 2017

Press Secretariat of the Curia of Hungary

The Hungarian press release: A lett Legfelsőbb Bíróság irányításával és a Kúria közreműködésével elindult európai uniós igazságügyi projekt keretében kúriai delegáció vesz részt a projekt rigai zárókonferenciáján, melynek történései az interneten élőben is nyomon követhetők