Mid-term meeting of an EU-project led by the Supreme Court of Latvia with the participation of the Curia at the Faculty of Law of the University of Ljubljana


Supreme Courts

The Supreme Court of Latvia, the Supreme Court of Lithuania, the Supreme Court of Spain, the Curia of Hungary, the University of Antwerp and the University of Ljubljana – jointly participating in a project entitled “Supreme courts as guarantees for the effectiveness of judicial systems in the European Union”, co-funded by the European Union – held the project’s mid-term meeting at the Faculty of Law of the University of Ljubljana on 7-8 November 2016 with the participation of the project partners’ representatives.

The participants of the mid-term meeting overviewed the data in respect of the respondents to the questionnaire circulated among the supreme courts of the European Union’s Member States, discussed the methodology of the analysis of the answers given to the questionnaire, the experiences gained from the study visit to the Supreme Court of Lithuania and the timetable of the upcoming study visits and project events, visited the Supreme Court of Slovenia, and finally overviewed the project’s management, reporting tasks, dissemination strategy and financial rules.

Budapest, the 11th of November 2016

Press Secretariat of the Curia of Hungary