Date: 12 June 2017
Country: Hungary
City: Budapest
The Supreme Court of Latvia, the Supreme Court of Lithuania, the Supreme Court of Spain, the Curia of Hungary, the University of Antwerp and the University of Ljubljana – jointly participating in a project entitled “Supreme courts as guarantees for the effectiveness of judicial systems in the European Union”, co-funded by the European Union – elaborated a Best Practice Guide for the management of supreme courts in the European Union. Based on a commission by the Curia of Hungary, the English-language document has been translated into Hungarian.
The research project and the Best Practice Guide focused on the following questions:
- How can Supreme Courts contribute to legal certainty, consistency and the transparency of the law?
- How can Supreme Court management be improved and backlogs be reduced in order to guarantee an effective and timely protection of rights?
- How can Supreme Court communication with the public be improved?
- What is the role of the Supreme Courts in the work of the national Councils of Judiciary?
The Best Practice Guide can be read in English here and in Hungarian here.
Budapest, the 12th of June 2017
Press Secretariat of the Curia of Hungary